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Artist Series 002 – Sullystring

Artist Print Series 002 –&nbsp;Sullystring
Sale Price: $50.00 Original Price: $60.00

The second in our Artist Print Series.

Sullystring is Sarah Sullivan. Her bio reads – “I am a dreamweaver and a rugrat. I graduated from the University of Kansas with a BFA in Textile Design, and now spend my days weaving and painting my heart out. My work creates an escape from the hard, digital world through an abstract confetti of color and texture. I draw inspiration from pasta noodles, children’s books, and reinterpreting memories of geometry class. SULLYSTRING has been scientifically proven to make your home warmer and more colorful.”
view more work from Sully here – sullystring.com

Five color screen print on French Constuction Fuse Green 100#C
signed and editioned by the artist